Nacanco Nove promotes the correct and responsible use of Personal Protective Equipment and supports the idea that safety is an essential responsability to prevent accidents at work.
Nacanco Nove offers a wide range of PPE, complying with the applicable law, such as helmets, harnesses, anchorage connectors and points, carabiners, lanyards, emergency kits and much more…

Elmetto di protezione Reflex HR

Elmetto di protezione Reflex HR

Marca: Tractel
Colorazione: High Visibility
Misure regolazioni testa: 51 - 63 cm
Peso: 370 grammi

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Cordino di posizionamento LDR112-10-10

Marca: Tractel
Corda semistatica Ø11 mm lungh 2 m + 2 moschettoni M10 (N358/2000)


Imbracatura HT22

Imbracatura HT22

Marca: Tractel
Taglie disponibili: S, M, XL
Peso: 720 gr

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Kit base

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Kit anticaduta

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